Designer Furniture and Furnishings

Timeless designer furnishings include pieces by well-known designers like Ray and Charles Eames, Le Corbusier, or Isamu Noguchi and also by well-known design manufacturers like Knoll, Herman Miller, Heath Ceramics, or Vitra. Their furniture and decor are not only incredibly well designed but also have aesthetic integrity that withstands criticism. Year after year, manufacturers continue to produce these original designs to fulfill the needs of design aficionados who know that, although expensive, these classics can be handed down to the next generation. Buyer beware: these are also the designs most often knocked off. Knockoffs are generally less expensive due to the fact that they are poorly made, mass produced, and created using inferior materials. To the trained eye, knockoffs look nothing like the original creations. If you want to buy an original, be sure to do your homework. A quick search will indicate which manufacturer owns the license to produce the original design, and most often these will be signed, marked, or numbered. 

Good Lighting

Lighting is one of the easiest interior design tricks to employ to make your home look and feel professionally designed. Sadly, many homes aren’t built with great lighting, and homeowners are forced to bring in lamps, sconces, or add-ons. When choosing lighting, always look for well-made pieces that aren’t flimsy. For example, you don’t want the swinging arm lamp to break after a year or two. Look for lighting that helps illuminate the room evenly with a good shade. Choose styles that have withstood the test of time yet fit within your design aesthetic. And don’t be afraid to mix your eras: the bubble lamps (designed by George Nelson) were originally designed in the late 1940s but still look incredibly modern.


Art is one of those interior design strategies that does not have to cost a lot of money. In fact, it can often been a great DIY project to work on. They key to making your artwork become a classic is to make sure you are choosing pieces that really reflect your personality or the personality of your family. Jumping on a trend or simply buying posters that suit your temporary passions may not last past the next year. Pieces that tell a story, artwork from your childhood, or blown-up photographs from your collection will always be cherished. The best part about artwork is that, in general, it’s easy to move around, so make sure you experiment with rooms or walls – or even take a few pieces down for awhile, and let them “rest.” Updating an older piece of art may simply require a new frame.

“Real” Materials

Real wood, ceramic tile, or terrazzo was made to last for decades (or longer). If properly maintained, they could last well over 100 years. Good quality flooring will be a worthwhile investment as you’ll be using materials meant to last. The same can be said for linen, marble, copper, leather, or slate. When it comes time to choose materials for your home, and you’re looking for something that will last, start with materials that historically have lasted a long time. Think too about how the material ages over time. Leather, for example, tends to look “worn in”; think how great an aged leather jacket looks and feels! But cheap upholstery tends to look “worn out” and tired over time. In another example, marble can actually look better over time with a few marks on the surface. It’s this very patina that manufacturers try to mimic (think of pre-faded and torn denim jeans). Some materials just look better over time, so keep this in mind when making big home improvement decisions. 

Any Design That Has Hit the 50-Year Mark

Tufted leather sofas, Persian rugs, toile wallpaper…there are many centuries-old furniture pieces and decor that don’t seem to be going away anytime soon. A good rule of thumb is that if a particular piece has been popular for at least 50 years, chances are it will be considered a classic, making it a good piece to hang on to. Not all of these pieces may be en vogue all the time. For example, mid-century modern design wasn’t terribly popular in the 1980s, but those who held on to those original pieces are probably happy they did. The key to any worthwhile home decor is to buy and keep pieces that truly speak to you.