In order to increase your chances of selling your home, a few upgrades and home improvements may be in order. For your home to be the one to be picked out of tens or hundreds of homes on the market, sweetening the pot may be the answer to selling your home. Of course you can do major remodels to increase the value, but this list gives you tips of simple home improvements that are relatively easy to complete. Here are some of the ways that people use to improve their luck at selling their home quickly and effectively. The average home in America today uses $1,300 to $1,900 in energy costs a year. By simply switching to Energy Star rated appliances, you’ll save on average 30 percent and put $400 to $600 back into your wallet. Energy Star appliances use 10 percent to 50 percent less water and energy than standard models. In fact, for every federal dollar spent on the Energy Star program, a $60 savings in energy goes to the homeowner. Although the Energy Star models are a little more expensive initially, the savings on water, sewer, and utility bills will more than make up the difference over a period of time. What’s more is that they’ll make your home more attractive to potential buyers.