About Teal Ducks

Teal are dabbling ducks that are found primarily in shallow freshwater areas. Their preferred habitats may include marshes, ponds, rivers, swamps, flooded agricultural fields, and similar riparian zones that boast suitable vegetation and shelter. Teal ducks are among the most popular duck species—some variety of teal can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Physical Characteristics

Characterized by stout necks and short tales, teal ducks are generally smaller than many other types of ducks. While similar in size and stature to one another, male and female teals look significantly different in many identifiable ways. Males boast brightly-marked, distinctive plumage that often includes unusual color swathes or patches on the head, wings, or face. The unexpected shades can be difficult to see when the bird’s wings are folded, but the colorful speculums are far more obvious once the bird is in flight. Females teals are more camouflaged, often sporting muted earth tone colors and mottled patterns, which serve as protection while they are nesting or caring for their young ducklings.


Unlike other dabbling ducks, teal prefer to feed at the surface of the water instead of tipping up to forage beneath the surface. Instead, they can often be seen swimming around slowly and wiggling or nibbling their flat bills in order to grab floating plant material or catch aquatic insects. Generally herbivorous, teal primarily eat aquatic vegetation, seeds, and grains, though they may eat some insects or mollusks as well, particularly during the nesting season when ducklings require more protein for proper growth.


Teal can be very social creatures and often join mixed flocks comprised of multiple teal species and other dabbling ducks including mallards, widgeons, and northern shovelers. When in flight, teal will often stay in a tight group and may wheel and change direction in unison.

Teal as Game Birds

Teal ducks are regularly hunted by professional sportsmen, and waterfowl hunting can be an important part of wildlife population management. By hunting teal, the potential for overpopulation problems is minimized, allowing the stronger, smarter, more agile ducks to survive and reproduce, ultimately strengthening the overall health of the species. Certain specifics, like the exact length of the hunting season, how many teal an individual hunter may harvest, and where the birds may be legally hunted can vary depending on the strength of the local teal population and the location in question. Hunting restrictions are often adjusted each year based on breeding population changes from season to season. In some years, it may not be possible to legally hunt teal at all.

Keeping Teal in Captivity

Some teal ducks are kept as domestic waterfowl, either in private collections or at agricultural operations. These teal may be harvested for food or game hunting or may be displayed to guests in a zoo, aviary, or botanical garden setting. Captive teal will occasionally escape, providing unexpected sightings in areas far from the species’ typical range.

Teal Duck Species

All teal are found in the scientific genus Anas and belong to the family Anatidae, along with other ducks, geese, and swans. There are more than 20 species of teal throughout the world, though it is possible that similar dabbling duck species may be reclassified or different teal could be split or lumped into additional species in the future, therefore changing the number of unique teal species. In many areas where only one teal species predominates, the birds may simply be referred to as teal rather than by their full names. The use of common names can be confusing to birders who have more specific listing preferences or those who may travel to different areas in order to see different species of teal. Teal duck species include: