Roommate Benefits

Particularly in urban areas, having a roommate can have several benefits. Here are some reasons why people choose to share an apartment or house.

You will share the cost of your living space and save money.There is some security in having more than one person in a house or apartment.If you’re also friends, you’ll have someone to talk to.

Roommate Etiquette Guidelines

Whether you’re a college student or a young adult who needs a roommate for economic reasons, you’ll have a much better experience if you follow some important etiquette guidelines.

Things to Consider Before Having a Roommate

Not all roommate arrangements are positive. Before you decide to room with someone, here are some questions you need to ask yourself.

Do you get along? Having a roommate you don’t get along with can be miserable.Do you have conflicting work hours that would interfere with sleep or social life? Does one of you work the night shift while the other has a regular 9-to-5? If so, it might be difficult to sleep when you need to.Do you have conflicting social lives that would get on each other’s nerves? A party animal doesn’t typically make a good roommate for someone who values a lot of quiet time.Do you trust that this person would pay the bills on time? You don’t want to wind up footing the bill for a freeloader.Do your styles of housekeeping mesh? If you’re a meticulous housekeeper and the other person is a slob, you’ll be ready to rip each other’s hair out by the end of the first week. The “odd couple” only works in movies and TV shows.

Having a roommate can be a blessing when you want to save money or have companionship. However, it can make your life miserable if you don’t have established rules and respect each other’s living styles.