A clutter-free pantry will not only make it easier for you to find what you need, but it can actually allow you to maximize your storage space. Here are easy steps you can take to declutter your pantry in an afternoon. Instead, take everything you have out and lay it on the floor so you can easily take inventory. For items that haven’t yet expired, either make a plan to use them or decide to toss or donate if it’s unlikely you will ever actually find a use. If you want to reline your pantry, now is also a great time to do so. Pick a liner that is easy to clean, but will also conceal small stains and spills. Which groups you create will naturally depend on what your family’s needs are, but be sure to put the groups of foods you use most often upfront, so they’re easier to find. Not only will this make it easier to create “zones” in your pantry, but you can easily remove a single container to find what you need, instead of sifting through an entire shelf. While a digital or written list works, you may also consider adding chalkboard paint to your door so you can easily add and remove items when you need to. This method only works if you pledge to declutter every few months to ensure these additional storage spaces don’t get clogged up with more items you’ll never touch.