Just think about how many hours you spend in your bed. You probably devote more time there than any other place. And the time that you are in bed, you are typically resting or sleeping. When asleep, you’re in a passive “yin” state and more susceptible to the energies around you. So your bed placement affects you in your conscious and unconscious states. Therefore, if you start anywhere with feng shui, start with your bed! If at all possible, always place the bed for the best feng shui. If it’s really impossible, there are some ways to correct it. I highly suggest you can place it in the best way and opt to correct it if you have no other option. Here are some tips to place your bed for good feng shui.  See the diagrams above, which show the most ideal locations. It’s understandable that there are many cases in which this is not possible. There’s still hope! If you can’t be in the commanding position, you can correct the bed by using a mirror. Place a mirror so that when you’re in bed you can see the reflection of the door. You also want to avoid any doors opening up directly onto any part of the bed. Avoid having your feet point straight out the door. This is often referred to as the “coffin position”. If the only place for your bed is in line with a door, it can be corrected. You can hang a faceted feng shui crystal ball halfway between the door and the bed. Second, avoid windows behind the head of the bed if possible. This is especially important if you’re on the ground floor or have eye issues. Better to have a solid wall behind you. If it’s not possible, you can place a mirror on the wall above and behind the bed to expand the view of the bedroom beyond. This will energetically erase the toilet. The space on both sides allows a balance of your yin and yang, as well as space for each partner (or future partner). If this is not possible, do the best you can to have space on the wall side. You can also place a mirror on the wall that the bed is up next to. This can expand the view of energetically.  For children, it’s okay to have a bed against the wall as it can give them some support. If it’s unavoidable, a correction is to drape fabric to conceal the ceiling feature. If it’s not a large beam or soffit, it may be possible to simply blend the feature into the ceiling by painting it the same color. This makes the dropped ceiling areas less oppressive.