Feeding Hummingbirds by Hand

Any birder with a hummingbird feeder can feed hummingbirds by hand. The key to success is to gain the birds’ trust, however, and it takes several steps to do so.

1. Attract Hummingbirds

First, it is necessary to attract hummingbirds. Plant hummingbird flowers, put out several suitable feeders, and make your yard a hummingbird haven. To make it easier to hand-feed hummingbirds, arrange the feeders and flowers in a single location to concentrate where the birds visit and help them become familiar with where food is available.

2. Take Notes

As hummingbirds visit your yard, note when the most popular feeding times are each day and how many birds take advantage of the feeders. If there is one feeder that is especially popular, study the birds’ behavior to learn why they prefer it.

3. Be Present

Once hummingbirds regularly visit the feeding station, it is time to get them used to your presence. During the most popular feeding times, sit outside several feet away from the feeders. Each day, move a small step or two closer to the feeders, but remain still so the birds are not threatened. Avoid sudden moves or unnecessary sounds while the birds gradually learn you won’t hurt them.

4. Be Consistent

As the birds are getting used to you, be consistent with what time you’re at the feeders, how you stand or sit, and what you wear. Keeping your behavior similar day after day will help the birds become accustomed to you more quickly, but it may still take several days or weeks for them to feel comfortable with you nearby.

5. Hold the Feeder

When the birds have become used to you and you’re able to sit or stand very close to the feeder without disturbing them, it is time to try holding the feeder for them to eat. Remove other feeders to concentrate their activity at the feeder you’re holding, and keep the feeder very still to avoid startling the birds. If you are patient, a hummingbird may sip from the feeder within just a few minutes.

6. Provide a Perch

If you want an even more intimate experience hand-feeding hummingbirds, offer your finger or hand as a perch in front of the feeder’s feeding ports. This is easy to do by cupping the feeder in your hand or placing your fingers alongside an existing perch. For many birders, having a hummingbird land on their finger to feed is an amazing experience. If you want to have an even more intimate encounter with these flying jewels, consider using a very small dish as a feeder, such as a red bottle cap, a test tube, or a floral tube and rest it in your palm or hold it in a closed fist. Once the birds are used to landing on your hand to feed, you can even put a small splash of nectar directly in your hand for the birds to sip.

Tips for Hand-Feeding Hummingbirds

It can take several weeks for hummingbirds to become accustomed to your presence and feel safe feeding from your hands. To make the process easier:

Wear Red

Wear a red shirt or hat as hummingbirds are attracted to this color. Even small red accents such as a red bead bracelet or red nail polish can help guide the birds to the feeder you’re holding.

Select Simple Feeders

Choose a simple feeder style with only a single feeding port. This will allow you to position the feeder so the birds will land on your hand or give you good views while you’re feeding them.

Competition Means Success is More Likely

Try feeding hummingbirds by hand only late in the season when there are more birds visiting your feeders. The more competition there is for food, the more likely a bold bird will land on your hand or visit a hand-held feeder.

Avoid Offering Multiple Feeders

Remove multiple feeders and deadhead nearby spent red flowers to help concentrate hummingbirds’ activity closer to the feeder you are holding. This reduces the availability of alternative feeding locations and may encourage a more reluctant bird to try a hand-held feeder. This should only be a temporary measure. If the hummingbirds that visit your garden are used to have lots of feeding options, it would be a shame to limit this permanently.

Provide Steady Support

Brace your hand or arm on a table, stool, or other steady support. It may take up to an hour before a hummingbird tries your feeder, and if your hand is shaking or unsteady they will be less likely to come close enough to feed.

Be Patient

Hummingbirds may be curious and adventurous, but they are still wild birds and can be unpredictable. If you aren’t able to hand-feed hummingbirds one day, try again the next day for better success.

Feeding Hummingbirds Away From Home

If you aren’t able to feed hummingbirds by hand at home, contact local nature centers and bird sanctuaries to see if they offer a hummingbird feeding program. Two popular destinations for hand-feeding hummingbirds are Lake Hope State Park in Ohio and Rocklands Bird Sanctuary in Jamaica, and both facilities have worked for years to condition hummingbirds to be relaxed around visitors in order to make hand feeding possible. While other sanctuaries and parks may not have ongoing hummingbird hand-feeding programs, they may be able to arrange an opportunity for you to try.