For those who like to mask off the edges of woodwork or other surfaces to ensure sharp lines while painting, painter’s tape is a great material. It is very often misused, though, since many people choose to remove the tape immediately after painting, while the paint is still wet. In reality, the better practice is to wait until the paint is fully dry before peeling off the tape. 

How Painter’s Tape Works

Masking tape itself was created in 1925 by an engineer of the 3M Corporation to assist workers in the automotive industry who needed a product to mask off edges while painting metal parts. This masking tape was essentially a tough grade of paper layered with a pressure-sensitive adhesive on one side, and it worked very well on metals. The product quickly became a popular household item, too. As people began using it to mask woodwork and wall surfaces, they found that adhesives that worked well on metal could be a little too aggressive on woodwork and wall surfaces. Standard masking tape worked fine at shielding surfaces while painting, but removing the tape sometimes could also peel away dried paint with it.  Tape manufacturers gradually refined the adhesives. The original type of masking tape still does exist and is often used as an economical alternative to painter’s tape. But low-stick painter’s tape has largely replaced ordinary masking tape.

When to Remove Painter’s Tape

Remove painter’s tape when the paint is fully dried and cured. The products now marketed specifically as painter’s tapes are a special form of masking tape that make use of adhesives that are virtually guaranteed not to peel away dried paint when they are removed. Product instructions are unanimous in recommending that your paint job should dry completely before removing the painter’s tape. Dried, in this case, does not mean dry to the touch. Dried means that the paint must be fully cured: dry from top to bottom. If not, you risk smearing the paint. Painter’s tape is strong enough that it can cut through the paint layer, producing a straight, clear line.

How to Apply Painter’s Tape

For best results, prepping the area and using proper installation instructions should be followed when applying painter’s tape: 

How to Remove Painter’s Tape

If you are in the tradition of removing painter’s tape while the paint job is still wet, consider the problems that this creates:

Removal when wet creates a mess. When pulling down painter’s tape, you are dealing with multiple yards of paint-laden tape, which inevitably will touch your nice, clean walls or floors. Removing a mass of tape laden with wet paint without creating a mess is very difficult.  The instant you remove the tape, wet paint may seep into your formerly taped-off area. By keeping the tape in place until the paint has dried, seepage is effectively stopped until the paint can dry.

Rather than facing these problems, wait until the paint fully dries before removing the painter’s tape. Each brand of painter’s tape has a recommended period during which the tape can be effectively removed. Many products will be specified as “14-day” removal. The tape can be removed at any point during this time without leaving behind a sticky residue. If left in place longer than this, you run the risk of adhesive residues being left behind on the woodwork or walls.  When removing the painter’s tape, the proper procedure is to begin at one end and pull the strip of paint back on itself in a steady, slow motion at a 45- to 90-degree angle to the painted surface. The sharp edge of the tape cuts through the dried paint overlap, leaving you with a crisp, sharp painted edge.  In the rare case that the tape tears or fails to pull away, a sharp utility knife or X-Acto blade can be used to slice the paint and remove the tape.